beyond the knee to knee

Beyond the "Knee to Knee"

How much does it really matter to have a carrier that fits from one kneepit to the other? Read on for a discussion of this topic that moves beyond the knee to knee.

Quite a few people visit  my sling library on the lookout for toddler carriers, as their little ones are “no longer knee to knee” in the sling that they have, and asking me what comes next!
In Sheffield the problem arises particularly in relation to Sleepy Nico baby carriers, which are very well loved here. People are reluctant to move into other carriers that may not feel so comfy,, but don’t wish to hurt their children or be unsafe by using a sling that may be too small, or moving to a “toddler size” that may actually be too big!. There is a lot of conflicting information on the internet about the sizing of carriers which many people find very confusing to navigate….


1) What is knee to knee?

Knee to knee simply means that the carrier you are using supports your child across the full width of both thighs, from one knee to the other, reaching into the knee pit. This ensures a comfortable seat for your child, more like sitting in a hammock, than perching on a stool. The diagram below shows a carrier that is reaching knee to knee, and the side on view shows how this will create a comfortable seat.healthy hips hip dysplasia slings

Having the knees raised above bottom also increases flexibility at the hip joint and makes it easier to flex and extend. Try it yourself! Sit astride a chair, facing the back. See how easy it is to shuffle forwards, keeping your legs flat on the chair seat, to get your symphysis pubis (the front pelvic bone) to touch the back of the chair. Those of us with lovely flexible hips who can do the Buddha position easily will find this a doddle, but others of us will find it a little sore as the ligaments get strained. You can release this tension instantly by bringing your knees up above the level of your bottom, and this will often tuck your pelvis inwards, bringing a little curve to the base of your spine. This position you have created is called the M shape, for obvious reasons, and is the ideal position, supported knee to knee with bottom a little lower. There are a few circumstances where this standard recommendation may not be appropriate, and more care will need to be taken, such as children with hyperextension conditions, or achondroplasia for a start. If you are at all unsure, do see your local sling and carrier consultant or ask for advice from trained professionals. We are always happy to help with tailored advice! For more information if a narrow based carrier will harm your child’s hips, see my “Healthy Hips” article.

2) What if my carrier seems to be no longer knee to knee?

There are usually several factors to consider here, depending on the age of your child.

Firstly, is your young child sitting in the M shape, with their bottom sitting deeply in the panel, and knees raised up with pelvis tilted? This often makes a big difference to how young children sit in carriers, and you may find it instantly makes things more comfortable for you and your child, especially if the panel has also previously felt too short. It is worth taking your time over positioning your child really well and may extend the life of your carrier for some time.

Older children who can stand and walk do not need the same level of support and will be fine if the carrier offers them good thigh support. It should keep them in a comfy seated position with lower legs bent at the knee, at right angles is fine. Older children have more muscle strength and co-ordination, and can help to grip on, so they do not need full knee to knee. They need more space and freedom to move, and will want to get down more often anyway! In this photo the sling is not reaching to the kneepit but to mid-thigh. Just make sure there is no digging in of the fabric along the thigh, and no pinning of knees with wrap fabric passes.

Secondly, is your child central in the carrier? I find that people have a tendency to hold their children slightly off centre when in arms, and then bring the panel up from that place so the child remains in a similar off-centre position. This will mean that one leg is less well supported than the other, and can lead to leaning and discomfort. Keeping a child central will often improve comfort both for your child, and for you.

Thirdly, is your child comfortable or not? Older children may be able to tell you, but for younger ones, our role as parent is to be caring and careful, and aware of non-verbal communication. Sling users usually worry (in the early stages with small babies) about over-spreading hips, as babies cry when they are uncomfortable, and children vary in their hip flexibility. This is why many carriers are “cinched” in when they are too big. Always listen to your child. If they are comfortable, and happily able to move their legs at the knee, and legs do not seem to be dragging down but are well supported, you may not need to size up just yet.

Fourthly, is your child growing taller as well? This may be more of a problem than the width of a sling if a child has a very long body and is able lean back too far from a panel that is too short. If your child leans back too far they may unbalance you. Keeping yourself and your child safe is more important than being knee to knee.

If your child is happy in their current carrier, that is good news. If they are not, and legs seem to be dangling unsupported in more of an A shape, or they are able to lean back, it may be time to consider another, bigger carrier. It might help to look in the mirror to assess your child’s leg position and how much back support they have.

3) Is it unsafe to use a carrier that is too small?

It depends on the child, and the parent! As I have pointed out in my Healthy Hips article, there is little evidence that a “narrow” seat will be harmful to any child beyond the age of six months, and even before then, the risk is low. So an older child, especially when they can bear their own weight on their legs, is not at risk of damage from not being perfectly knee to knee. They may not be as comfy as they could be if the carrier is very small and they end up with legs dangling in an A shape (this could be tiring for a child, and lead to red marks on the inside of the thighs). Let your child be your guide. I usually suggest that a carrier that supports at least to mid-thigh and allows a comfy seat with knees at right angles or a little less for older children, is fine to use.

Many big brand carriers such as Beco, Boba, Ergo and Manduca to name just a few, say that their carriers are safe to use well into toddlerhood, long after some people would feel their babies were too big for them (they are all formally safety tested). Sometimes it can seem that people are in a hurry to move out of a “standard” size carrier, before it is really necessary. Again, check your positioning, and do get some help from your local sling consultant/peer supporter/library/sling meet if you are unsure. One size does not fit all, some babies are big, some toddlers are small, some parents find bigger carriers more comfy for them, some parents find smaller carriers work better for their frames. Each carrier has its own specifications too. Some are narrow, some are short-panelled, some are wide, some are tall, some have buckles that insert very low and can squash baby thighs, etc. It is all dependent on the individual situation, and what works for one baby and parent may not work for another. Skill levels vary too, as does child compliance – a contented baby may be happy for the parent to take the time to maximise positioning, others may resist.

If you have a half buckle, or a meh dai, there are ways to tie the shoulder straps to come beneath the child’s knee, to further extend the width of the support offered by the panel itself.

4) Is it unsafe to use a carrier that is too large?

This is a more complex issue. The crucial issue to consider is child safety, based on the ABC and the TICKS guidelines. A child should not be invisible inside a carrier that is too tall, as this could be a risk to their airway and their breathing. This is one reason why many carriers have inserts, to raise children higher up the panel so their faces are visible at all times and chin can be kept off chest. I would rather see a child that was in a carrier slightly too short in the body, than in one that has too tall a panel.

As for the width and knee to knee… here is a photo to illustrate the difference. A carrier that is too wide will make a child’s legs stick out straight, or he will strain against the fabric to bend his knee (which may lead to red marks, even if no voiced complaint at the time). He may feel some strain at his inner thigh if he cannot bend his knee in this hip-extended position (see the chair illustration above). Sometimes it can be suggested that the panel could be “cinched in” with something like a webbing belt, or a ribbon, etc and this may, if there is no alternative, make the carrier much more comfy as he is now able to bend his knee in the M shape. However, this will invalidate the warranty of the carrier and place strain at the waistband.

Also, by bringing the knees up higher, the angle that the hips need to open at the groin is reduced, as the joint is able to rotate more easily. *Please note that this is a hack that is rarely recommended ; if it is not in the instructions it will invalidate any warranty.*


Every parent, child and carrier combination is individual, and needs assessing as such. Many carriers that are not knee to knee may well be able to be used for your child for longer than you might expect, so there may not need to be a great rush to size up. Buying new carriers for many is great fun – if you are going to buy something too big for your child to grow into, do ensure it is comfortable for them, and not too tall. You may have more time in your current carrier than you think, to give you time to find the next carrier (if needed).

But what about the Superman Sleepy Nico at the start? Is it OK?  I think we can all agree that the little SuperBaby will be OK to enjoy his special carrier for a while longer yet.

The Pelvic Tuck

What is the pelvic tuck or scoop?

I am often asked by carers who want to carry their children safely and comfortably “what is a pelvic tuck and how do I do it?”

Babies are born with gently curved spines, and usually prefer to rest in this tucked posture when they are relaxed. Arching the spine and “starfishing” can (for some) be an attempt to communicate discomfort or distress. Sleeping and relaxed babies can usually be found with their knees drawn up into a comfortable “M shape”; this is normal behaviour, and it is how most babies rest on their parents, perching on the broad secure base of the carer’s forearm. From this broad base, babies’ chests can be properly supported against the parent’s body, thereby avoiding slumping over and restricting airways.

This “squat” positioning also helps to encourage healthy hip development. Studies have shown that the rates of hip dysplasia are lower in communities that carry children on the hip or back frequently, as the posture adopted for this promotes optimum growth of the hip joint. (see here for more information on hip dysplasia and slings).

The pelvic tuck/scoop technique of encouraging a child to sit in a position that creates a “J shape” (from the side) or an “M shape” (from the front) in a carrier is therefore very helpful. Such positioning is more comfortable, more respectful of anatomy, and also helps preserve open airways. The aim is to raise the knees up, allowing the bottom to settle downwards into the classic “M shape”.

pelvic tuck and m shape

When demonstrating, I suggest that carers imagine they are scooping two curls of ice-cream towards themselves with both hands; and then repeat this action as they hold their child’s thighs gently between thumb and fingers. Another way of thinking about it is to imagine they are holding two glasses of water in front of themselves, and then pour the water out away from them.

This rotates baby’s femoral head in the socket. The photos and videos below show this in action.

Creating this broader base seat for a younger child will also help to make a narrow base carrier more comfy and feel more stable and supportive. A simple scarf can be used to support the legs in this “M shape” once the pelvis has been tilted and knees raised above bottom.

sling faq pelvic tuck professionals training

The pelvic tuck is less important for older babies and toddlers; as children get older, the ability to actively move around in the sling becomes more important while they are awake. The key thing is to ensure they are comfortable and their legs are not dragging down or tiring them; the carrier no longer needs to be knee to knee for older children.

Stretchy wrap photo tutorials

Stretchy wrap photo tutorial guide (two way stretchy wrap)

A step by step stretchy wrap photo tutorial guide; this is a two-way stretchy wrap. Two-way stretchy wraps stretch along their width and their length.

The key to success is in preparation; getting the tension right before baby goes in, and ensuring their position is right before spreading any fabric. This helps to avoid slumping or slipping. It gets easier with practice! Click on the images to make them larger for easier viewing.

If you have a very small or premature baby, or one who is keeping themselves very tightly tucked and isn’t opening their hips at all, please see your local sling professional for some extra support for using your stretchy wrap.

Below is a video for how to take baby out without needing to untie the wrap each time, making it very convenient.

Here is a video of the same technique, with the shoulders being flipped afterwards.

Here is a short video of the pre-flipped shoulder.

How to take a baby out of a stretchy wrap simply, without retying. This makes it very easy to leave on and just pop baby back in later.

If your baby seems to slump over or is deeply asleep, here is how to “unfurl” them so their chest rests safely against yours.

You can find information about other types of carriers in our Guide to Slings (with photo tutorials for a woven wrap front carry and a ring sling carry).

Ergobaby Front Carry Ruck Straps Photo Tutorial

Ergobaby front carry ruck straps photo tutorial with pre-clipped straps

Ergobaby front carry ruck straps photo tutorial. A step by step guide to give you confidence! This method clips the chest belt at the start so it is preclipped into the optimal position.

Many parents find it hard to do up the chest belt of rucksack strapped carriers. This may be due to how flexible they are (or aren’t!) and how easy they are able to reach behind their neck. Some find this pre-clipped method easier.

Top tip: don’t forget you can move the chest belt up and down on the webbing that runs along the shoulder straps. Everyone will have a particular preference for the chest belt location. As you tighten the shoulder straps, the chest belt will move down your back. If it still feels too high behind your neck once the shoulder straps are tightened, move it down the webbing for the next time. Check you can still reach it to undo it when ready. If it is too low, move it up the webbing for the next time. A few practices and you’ll soon find the right combination for your comfort and convenience.

You can see the clip behind your neck method here.

Tula Explore Front Facing out photo tutorial

Tula Explore front facing out photo tutorial

Tula Explore Front Facing Out photo tutorial with ruck straps. A step by step guide to give you confidence! This method clips the chest belt up behind the neck, after child and carrier are in position.

The Tula Explore carrier can be used facing forwards when baby is developmentally ready. Deciding if you want to use this position and when your baby is ready for it will be a very individual choice. Guidance suggests that baby should have well-established, independent and sustained head, neck and upper body control (for more than twenty minutes). Typically this develops around 4-5 months. Before this, there is a risk that baby may slump and compromise their airway, especially if they fall asleep in this position.

Furthermore, baby needs to be tall enough to fit into the structured panel, and their legs long enough to sit comfortably in the bucket seat. This little model is six months, and just big enough for this carrier.

Read more about facing forwards in slings here.

Top tip: don’t forget you can move the chest belt up and down on the webbing that runs along the shoulder straps. Everyone will have a particular preference for the chest belt location. As you tighten the shoulder straps, the chest belt will move down your back. If it still feels too high behind your neck once the shoulder straps are tightened, move it down the webbing for the next time. Check you can still reach it to undo it when ready. If it is too low, move it up the webbing for the next time. A few practices and you’ll soon find the right combination for your comfort and convenience.

You can see the preclipped method here.

photo tutorial sleepy nico front carry cross straps

Sleepy Nico front carry with cross straps photo tutorial

Sleepy Nico Front Carry with cross straps photo tutorial; a step by step guide to give you confidence!

The Sleepy Nico carrier can be used from 10-12 weeks to toddlerhood. It can be used for rucksack straps too, and back carries from about six months. This carrier is the Crush (duuuude!) fabric from Sling Spot.

Front carry with an Integra Baby Carrier tutorial

Front carry with an Integra Baby Carrier tutorial (cross straps)

Our front carry with an Integra Baby Carrier tutorial (cross straps) with an older baby will help you feel confident, safe and secure.

With a newborn to about four months, please use the included accessory strap to cinch the panel at the base. (This will have the effect of making the panel narrower and shorter so it fits around your baby's body.)

This method applies to any waistbandless carrier where the panel hangs straight down from the webbing like an apron.

back carry with a rucksack carrier

Back carry with a rucksack carrier photo tutorial - "walk like an Egyptian"

Learn how to safely do a back carry with a rucksack carrier with this "walk like an Egyptian" method.

The straps are worn like a rucksack and the chest belt remains done up at all times. Each arm is threaded out of the shoulder straps one by one; first one comes up and forwards, the second comes down and back, like the “walk like an Egyptian” move.

Baby should be old enough for back carries in your buckle carrier that fits them well. Read more about this here.

Please see your local carrying consultant or sling library for help if you are unsure. It is wise to practice with some help and in front of a mirror the first few times!